
Only One in the World! How to Make Your Own iPhone Case and Stylish Design Summary

Many iPhone users use iPhone cases, but even though there are many iPhone cases on the market, there are many cases where a regular iPhone case may conflict with someone close to you, or a good design may be too expensive to buy.

Here’s how to make your own iPhone case, so if you’re looking for one of the world’s only original iPhone cases, check it out.

Create Your Own iPhone Case

By creating your own iPhone case, you can get one of the best iPhone cases in the world.

“I don’t find my favorite design of cellphone case on a market.” “I’m really particular about the style of my cellphone case.” If that’s the case, make your own.

Use a Clear Holder

If you use of the transparent iPhone case sold at dollar stores, you can make an original cellphone case very easily.

If you use UV resin, you can make it easily, so it’s easy to use different iPhone cases depending on your mood.

Just Insert Cutouts

The easiest way to make an original iPhone case is to place a magazine, snack box, or a cutout of your favorite photo between the clear case and your phone.

You can cut your favorite postcard to the right size and use it, or your favorite anime character or your favorite star.

Gorgeous With the Color of the Main Body

It’s an iPhone case made from a combination of UV resin, glittering rhinestones and Swarovski crystals.

Challenge if You Are Confident in Drawing

If you’re good at drawing, you might want to try drawing on a transparent iPhone case or a plain iPhone case.

It is also common to print and paste illustrations on stickers.

If You Make Your Own, You Can Use the Real Thing

I don’t see many iPhone cases on the market that use real flowers, but if you make your own, you can put real flowers in the case like pressed flowers.

The appearance of the real thing is unique to the original.

Just Glue It On

If you find a piece of fabric you like, you just need to glue it to an appropriate commercially available iPhone case and the original iPhone case is ready.

You’ll need to make a hole for a charging cable or a hole for a camera, but if you have a piece of fabric and glue, you can make it right away.

Feels like a Plastic Model Kit

If you like plastic models, you can make an original iPhone case by simply spray painting the iPhone case with your favorite color and attaching an emblem.

If you make it a mirror finish by spraying clear, it will look more luxurious.

Masking Tape

You can make an original cellphone case just by putting masking tape which is popular in recent years.

The key is not to apply masking tape directly, but to insert paper with masking tape.

By combining your favorite masking tapes, you can create a more original look.

Makeover with Used Fabric

You can makeover used clothes you can’t wear anymore as a cellphone case.

If you use glue, you can make a notebook shape easily, and you can also make it with thick paper and glue without any problem.

It’s easy to think that a self-made cellphone case is too difficult, but it’s not difficult if you can cut it well.


This is an easy original iPhone case that you can just stick Swarovski or stickers on your favorite case.

It has a design that is not often sold, you can freely make coloring, and you can easily make something with a lot of your personality.

Create Something New From Ready-Made Products

If you decorate a ready-made smartphone case with Swarovski, it will be reborn as an original cellphone case that gives a completely different impression.

In order to make use of the original illustration, it will stand out if you decorate it with something transparent.

You Can Also Make a Notebook Shape Easily by Using a Store-Bought Case

It’s hard to make a notebook case of your own, but if you use a ready-made cellphone case to attach your iPhone to it, it’s easy.

You can use various materials other than fabric, so it depends on your ingenuity, and it will be more convenient if you make a space to put a credit card.

Cellphone Case with Metallic Yarn

You can use metallic yarns that are stitched together like embroidery on a special canvas for a cellphone case.

Other than the cellphone case, you can also make a key chain with the same design, so the item you have will look stylish.

Easy Marble Pattern with Manicure

If you have any leftover nail polish, fill the tray with water, pour in the nail polish of your favorite color, and draw a line with a toothpick to create a water marble pattern.

Put a transparent cellphone case in there, take it out when the nail polish comes on and dry it, and it’s done.

It will look more stylish if you put nail stickers on it.

It will look beautiful if you finish it with a top coat at the end.

If You Like to Make Your Own Cellphone Case With A Story Theme

The original cellphone case is based on the image of a sandy beach where you may hear the sound of waves, but the point is that it can be made unexpectedly easily by using UV resin and illustrations.

By combining it with accessories sold at dollar stores, you can create cellphone case with your own story.

Make Your Own iPhone Case Easily

I’ve shown you how to make your own iPhone case, but there’s a wide range of things you can make, from simple ones to serious ones, depending on your skills.

However, it takes time to make and it is difficult unless you are good with your hands to some extent.

You may be able to order your cellphone case with your favorite design.